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Index: datasets

Wood mechanics from: Research Institute of Wood Industry; Chinese Academy of Forestry (1982) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Primary Tree Species in China. Beijing, China: Chinese Forestry Press.

Wood mechanic traits including coefficient of variation: Wood attributes from a chinese book, digitized by Z2 (Hoffmann).

Id: 325
People: 2
Projects: 1
Version: 2
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2013-03-13
Updated at: 2017-03-06

Wang et al. 2023 Oecologia

We used shared herbivore species (zeta diversity) and multi-site generalized dissimilarity modelling to investigate the patterns and determinants of species turnover of Lepidoptera herbivores among study plots across a gradient in tree species ric...

Id: 662
People: 1
Projects: 0
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2023-10-11
Updated at: 2024-03-12

Wang eLife 2024 trap nest data

The data was collected from 88 plots of BEF-China for five years (2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020) using trap nests. Specifically, we collected trap nests monthly to sample solitary bees and wasps in the 88 plots from September to November in 2015 an...

Id: 684
People: 1
Projects: 2
Version: 1
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2025-02-11
Updated at: 2025-02-11

TSP circumference measures 2019

TreeDÌ project: TSP list for site A and B contains all possible TSPs combinations, plot names and parametres, TSPs and Neighbours trees coordinates, their species, their current situation (dead/alive/not available) and all trees circumference meas...

Id: 619
People: 2
Projects: 18
Version: 13
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2020-02-05
Updated at: 2020-02-11

TreeDì_P1G - TSP branch traits and complementarity indices. Data from "Tree-tree interactions and crown complementarity: The role of functional diversity and branch traits for canopy packing"

TreeDÌ project: TSP list containing the tree pairs analysed in "Tree-tree interactions and crown complementarity: The role of functional diversity and branch traits for canopy packing". Shows branch traits and parameters as height or slope extract...

Id: 653
People: 2
Projects: 2
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2022-01-11
Updated at: 2022-01-11

TreeDì_P1G - Data from: Tree species richness promotes an early increase of stand structural complexity in young subtropical plantations

We studied the structural complexity of 49 plots with species richness from monoculture to 24-species-mix through the years with different indices.

Id: 637
People: 1
Projects: 0
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2021-07-08
Updated at: 2021-10-08
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