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Index: datasets

Main Experiment: Wood stubs of Site A and B: measurement of saw dust from wood samples

This piece of data are the weight measurements of the wood samples from the data set: Wood stubs of Site A and B: quantity, density, position and decomposition class Samples were taken in a sub plot in all VIP on both sites A and B. The sub ...

Id: 370
People: 2
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-07-15
Updated at: 2016-03-03

Main Experiment: Soil lipid fractions from the main experiment Site A 2013 - preliminary

Individual soil lipid fractions from site A and B from the Main Experiment.

Id: 348
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-06-10
Updated at: 2016-03-03

NILEx unlabelled (invertebrates): meso- and macrofauna, proxy for abundance

Meso- and macrofauna, proxy for abundance, unlabelled Nilex

Id: 290
People: 2
Projects: 2
Version: 0
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-02-21
Updated at: 2017-01-09

CSPs: Tree and shrub cuttings: morphological traits autumn 2013

Data from the common garden experiment in Gutianshan. Approximately 4,000 cuttings from 10 common shrub species were collected from CSPs and planted in a common garden experiment within Gutianshan. Collection and planting took place in August 2012...

Id: 468
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2014-07-22
Updated at: 2016-03-03

NILEx tracer (leaf): total phenolics and tannin, all time steps

Samples from the Tracer NILEx experiment were analyzed for thir contents of total phenolics as well as tannin contetns along the different stages of decomposition. Here we give the concentration of these metabolites in mg/g tannic acid equivalents.

Id: 296
People: 2
Projects: 2
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-02-21
Updated at: 2017-01-09

CSPs: Xylem traits of tree species in the CSPs

Tree xylem traits describing growth rings, wood porosity, wood vessels, perforation plates, vessel ray pitting, helical thickenings, deposits in vessels, vesselles, ground tissue fibre, fibre bands, wood parenchym, wood cells, wood crystals -- xyl...

Id: 124
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2011-08-29
Updated at: 2016-03-03
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