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Index: datasets

Main Experiment: Tree inventory, Site A, 2010-2016

This data documents the tree growth parameters for seven years from 2010 to 2016 for site A of the main experiment. Measurements for this data took place at the end of the growing season of deciduous trees, mainly in September and October of each ...

Id: 593
People: 4
Projects: 1
Version: 4
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2017-08-08
Updated at: 2017-08-09

CSP soil profile description II: soil horizons

Soil profile description according to "!!!Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung". This dataset contains all information with several entries (up to 8) per category, thus describing the whole soil profile. Two separate sheets contain data that describes ...

Id: 127
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 6
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2011-08-31
Updated at: 2015-02-23

Main Experiment: Tree inventory Main experiment Site B 2011

This data documents the tree growth parameters in 2011 for site B, belonging to the annual inventory taking place for both site A and site B. Individual-tree growth is a function of stand attributes, local neighbors, plant size, plant damage, geno...

Id: 351
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-06-10
Updated at: 2016-03-21

Main Experiment: Tree inventory Main experiment Site A 2011

Individual-tree growth is a function of stand attributes, local neighbors, plant size, plant damage, genotype, and local abiotic site conditions. Given a certain time phase (combing further data along the timeline), the following scientific questi...

Id: 350
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-06-10
Updated at: 2016-03-21

Data (plot level) for Wang et al. Ecol Monogr

Based on a comprehensive dataset of lepidopteran herbivores recorded from the BEF sites, we tested the contribution to herbivore species co-occurrence of herbivore phylogenetic relatedness, plant diversity and functional traits, and spatial scale....

Id: 641
People: 2
Projects: 2
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2021-08-26
Updated at: 2021-10-28

CSPs: Genetic diversity of Castanopsis eyrei: additional plots near CSPs (2009)

New sites were chosen for more genetic information at high elevation conditions near the Comparative Study Plots (CSP).

Id: 165
People: 2
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2012-01-05
Updated at: 2016-03-03
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